terça-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2018

Dinah Washington - 33 albuns & 4 box-sets

Dinah Washington, nome artístico de Ruth Lee Jones, foi uma cantora e pianista norte-americana, que tem sido considerada "a mais popular artista feminina negra dos anos 50".
Essencialmente uma vocalista de jazz, ela se apresentou e gravou uma ampla variedade de estilos, incluindo R&B e música pop tradicional e blues que lhe rendeu o título de "Rainha do Blues".
Dinah foi uma das homenageadas do Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame de 1986, foi introduzida ao Rock and Roll Hall of Fame em 1993.

Dinah nasceu em 29 de agosto de 1924, em Tuscaloosa, Alabama. 
Seu pai, Ollie Jones, era um jogador de apostas profissional que raramente estava em casa, deixando sua mãe, Alice, para cuidar e criar quatro filhos. 
A família se mudou para Chicago quando Ruth tinha então quatro anos e já tocava piano e cantava na Igreja Batista de St. Luke, com sua mãe. 
Aos quinze anos, ganhou o primeiro prêmio em uma competição de canto amador, no Teatro Regal. 
No ano seguinte, a cantora Sallie Martin a contratou para cantar e tocar piano para seu grupo, o Sallie Martin Colored Ladies Quartet.
Dois anos depois, Dinah voltou ao circuito de clubes noturnos tocando piano no Three Deuces, um clube de jazz onde Billie Holiday estava se apresentando; lá foi encontrada por Lionel Hampton, que a sugeriu o nome artístico. 
Enquanto cantou com a banda de Hampton, Dinah começou a gravar blues. Em 1943, sua canções "Evil Gal Blues" e "Salty Papa Blues" tornaram-se hits entre o público afro-americano. Dois anos depois, "Blowton Blues", a única canção que gravou com Hampton, a tornou uma estrela do R&B.
Washington teve ao menos oito maridos e dois filhos. No final de sua carreira, tornou-se preocupada com seu peso; recém-casada com o jogador de futebol Dick "Night Train" Lane, ela adotou dietas rígidas que tiveram resultado fatal. 
Em 14 de dezembro de 1963, com então 39 anos, seu corpo foi encontrado em sua casa em Detroit. Ela havia morrido de overdose de álcool, sedativos e pílulas para emagrecimento. Encontra-se sepultada no Burr Oak Cemetery, Alsip, Illinois no Estados Unidos

Dinah Washington, the stage name of Ruth Lee Jones, was an American singer and pianist who has been considered "the most popular black female artist of the 1950s."
Essentially a jazz vocalist, she performed and recorded a wide variety of styles, including R & B and traditional pop music and blues that earned her the title "Queen of the Blues."
Dinah was one of the honorees of the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame of 1986, was introduced to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1993.

Dinah was born on August 29, 1924 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
His father, Ollie Jones, was a professional gambler who was rarely at home, leaving his mother, Alice, to care for and raise four children.
The family moved to Chicago when Ruth was four and had already played the piano and sang at St. Luke's Baptist Church with her mother.
At age fifteen, he won the first prize in an amateur singing competition at the Regal Theater.
The following year, singer Sallie Martin hired her to sing and play piano for her group, the Sallie Martin Colored Ladies Quartet.
Two years later, Dinah returned to the night club circuit playing piano at Three Deuces, a jazz club where Billie Holiday was performing; there was found by Lionel Hampton, who suggested the artistic name.
While singing with the Hampton band, Dinah began recording blues. In 1943, his songs "Evil Gal Blues" and "Salty Papa Blues" became hits among the African-American public. Two years later, "Blowton Blues," the only song she recorded with Hampton, made her an R & B star.
Washington had at least eight husbands and two children. At the end of her career, she became worried about her weight; newly married to soccer player Dick "Night Train" Lane, she adopted stiff diets that had a fatal outcome.
On December 14, 1963, at the age of 39, his body was found at his home in Detroit. She had died of alcohol overdose, sedatives and slimming pills. She is buried in Burr Oak Cemetery, Alsip, Illinois in the United States.

Discografia / Discography (33 albuns & 4 box-sets):
1950: Dinah Washington (MG-25060) (compilation of previous 78s)
1952: Dynamic Dinah! - The Great Voice of Dinah Washington (compilation of previous 78s)
1952: Blazing Ballads (Compilation)
1954: After Hours with Miss "D"
1954: Dinah Jams
1955: For Those in Love
1956: Dinah!
1956: In the Land of Hi-Fi
1957: The Swingin' Miss "D"
1957: Dinah Washington Sings Fats Waller
1957: Music for a First Love
1958: Dinah Sings Bessie Smith
1958: Newport '58
1959: The Queen
1959: What a Diff'rence a Day Makes!
1959: Unforgettable
1960: The Two of Us (with Brook Benton)
1960: I Concentrate on You
1960: For Lonely Lovers
1961: September in the Rain
1962: Dinah '62
1962: In Love
1962: Drinking Again
1962: Tears and Laughter
1962: I Wanna Be Loved
1962: Late, Late Show
1963: Back to the Blues
1963: Dinah '63
1963: This Is My Story
1964: In Tribute
1964: The World of Dinah Washington (SR-25269) (Compilation)
1967: Dinah Discovered
2004: The Complete Dinah Washington on Mercury (Box-set, 1987–1989)
2004: The Complete Roulette Dinah Washington Sessions (Box-set, Mosaic Records)


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